Cobra Diary,
by Ellie Harrison
by Joanna Spitzner
review of Parachute
in relation to PART-TIME, by Tina Gurley Flynn
"Poor Like Me,"
by Eric Schocket. Cabinet, no. 11 Summer 2003. p 47-53


During the course of working for 'Part-Time', the artists wrote about their experiences, which can also been seen on their blogs. Cobra Diary is an account by Ellie Harrison that describes her experience of working for the Cobra Group, going door-to-door in a run-down area of Nottingham to ask people to hand over their debit card details to support a 'charity'. Blackpool is an overview written by Joanna Spitzner describing her various experiences while working there.

Tina Gurley Flynn sought to connect the work of the artists to other projects and writing. She reviewed an issue of Parachute devoted to "work," and also found an article in Cabinet about undercover reporting.