I tried the door and it was open, so I walked in, passing a dining room, doors closed, in which an older couple sat, the woman watching me. I rang the bell and a young woman came out of the door with a sign saying “Staff Only.” I asked her if there were any job vacancies, and she told me to wait a minute and returned through the door. The older woman came out and I asked again, saying that I was looking for work at the bar or housekeeping. The woman told me they had nothing now, but she twisted her mouth and said that they were short of staff, and that one of her staff was going on holiday. I asked her if I could give her my card, and then thought that this would be a good place to offer to volunteer. So I said to her that I would be willing to work for free, just to get experience. She told me to come with her and we went into the dining room, having me sit at the table nearest the door. She went to the back table and got her husband. We all sat down and she told him that I was willing to work for free. He said that I’d better not tell people this.
They wondered about my legal status, visa, etc. The woman said that her daughter used to date and Australian, and that he may know how to get a job. I agreed that Australians seem to be everywhere. The woman then wondered if I was a casual, temporary worker if she would have to report it. I said I thought it didn’t matter, and that another reason for me to volunteer was that then they wouldn’t get into trouble. I said I that if I worled part-time, I could still then look for work. I told them I had saved up enough to come over and had paid my rent for a month. Later the woman asked how I would pay my rent, and the man said that I had saved up. I told them that I hadn’t worked in a hotel before, but that I did have a job cleaning apartments once, and have worked at a bar, and have had many jobs. The woman asked if I had references, in case she was asked, because I would be working with the blind. The woman was worried about paying me, and said that they usually paid people £5.80, but that wouldn’t do for someone my age.
They agreed to give me a try, and told me to come on Friday at 8:30. The man jokingly asked if that was too early for me, and I said that I could get up any time they needed me. Asked them their names again; they said people call them Mr. And Mrs. C., but that they are Hugh and Veronica (Connelly—I wasn’t sure if they said Connolly or Collins). Mrs. C. said that they use these names rather than first names as a sign of respect from the girls that work for them. On my way out, a woman came in the dining room and they introduced me to Lynda, said that she has worked for them for twenty years, and told her that I would be covering for her next week. Mrs. C. will check with her accountant.
I left through the front door.