Undercover Joanna
WORK | Interview index | Postcard
David Boyle


David Boyle: The Conspiracies Exhibition here, we opened last April, when we found out what was actually going on. We added to it the Alien, UFO, and Paranormal Exhibition, and did a very much advanced thinking exhibition, which gives a different picture of life. And a change for people who come to Blackpool to ride the rides or to work the machines and enjoy themselves. Here’s where someone who wants to be fastidious, study philosophy, check into the items. Here you can get a different picture. And a break. A change from the rock, the candy, the showbiz, the glitz, the lights. It’s why the Conspiracies Exhibition is set up, to give an alternative, and to make people think.

I’ve worked on The Promenade here for many years. Blackpool itself is quite an interesting place. I could tell you hundreds of stories of the people who’ve been in and out. I’ve seen Blackpool evolve, I’ve seen it change.  It’s still the premier resort in the UK. And, when, I’m sure in the future, people start to wake up to the gem that it’s got, all the good points about Blackpool, the things you don’t find anywhere else: the trams, the Tower, the best –if not the best in Europe—fairgrounds. You’ve got the biggest arcade, you’ve got the Dr. Who museum, which is magnificent, and the Sea Life Center. There’s many many things here. When you come to Blackpool, you can have two good weeks of doing different things everyday. Doesn’t matter about the weather, there’s sufficient indoor places to go and spend a good holidy.

We opened the Exhibition last Easter. And, it came as an evolve-ev-evolution from other exhibitions. Eight years ago we ran the Alien, UFA and Paranormal Exhibition in Blackpool which evolved. We went deep into the understanding of extra-terrestrials, cover-ups, what was going on. When we investigate our history, it suddenly becomes very obvious that what we’ve been told about history doesn’t match the archeology of the stones. So the stories don’t match. The physical evidence. Something somewhere is wrong. And I’m sure its not stones. So that was one of the keys. Wake up, find out what’s going on, hae a look. That leads you, of course, down many paths.

So we’ve evolved and evolved and evolved.  And when the atrocity of 911 happened, we were aware that there were other forces that people were not aware of at the time. Only having investigated them, we suddenly realized that what was going on, what we’ve been told, again, were not the same. So we decided to call the exhibition the Conspiracies Exhibition. And to show to people the evidence which they’ve not been allowed to see. Properly, explain it, slow it down, show it to people, show that our stories of what’s going on on the planet, of course, don’t match the evidence. And you don’t need to be a genius, to have a rocket science degree, to go look at ancient monuments and see that hairy barbarians couldn’t possibly have built them. Yet, we’re still expected to believe that by our scientists, our religious teachers, and our government, who are of course more interested in the short term gains at the present time.

Joanna Spitzner: What’s been the response since it’s opened?

Well, the response from the local authorities was not very nice. The a—without coming in and talking to us, they, ah , attacked the artwork, for outside—the pictures and the stories. Instead of coming out to find out the truth. So they were only very superficial. Um. But the response from the people that’s visited it has been brilliant. We’ve had loads and loads of people who have come in and gone out, and come back with friends and other people. And the (a) number of people that have now changed their attitudes and ideas have gone on what we call the Golden Spiritual Path, who have started to look for the truth, rather than believe that what we’re being told is very good. So basically, it’s become a gentle teaching center, and we’ve evolved it past, now, just an exhibition. It is now being broken into seven areas. Each one will be teaching an area, teaching an aspect of life, the understandings. And we’re now producing books and DVDs and videos, for each section. So that we can share our knowledge with everybody. You see, knowledge is power, power is control. People who control the world have all the knowledge, or think they have. So it’s time that everybody—the ordinary people, you and me—have the truth. So we’ve made the decision to stand up and speak the truth. We’re not controlled by anybody—finances, money, or anything like that. We do this. Right? So we’re not subject to being told what you can do and what you can’t do. Which allows us free range to investigate everything.  Every form of paranormal, every form of understanding. When somebody comes to me and says ‘your blaspheming,” I’ll say, “well, you’re trying to impose on me your ideas of God. We’re prepared to look at everything and anything, with an open mind, and see where it all fits. And gradually we’ve been able to build up a completely different picture of the true workings of the universe, of (and) the evolution of mankind, and the universe. And it doesn’t match what we’ve been instigated, or imposed upon us, by our current belief systems.

JS: Who are you working with, when you talk about we? Who’s involved with this place?

DB: When I talk about we, it ah---

I don’t pass the responsibility to anyone else. The responsibility for setting this up and organizing it and running it is mine. Right? So there’s nobody else who [are doing things]. There are now many many groups of 911 groups across Britain, who are as now standing up and speaking the truth. And the voice is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. As more and more people see the DVDs that we now supply, those DVDs give the proof, without doubt, what went on at 911, and our history, are totally wrong. So people are beginning to break into two groups: those that just want to know the nuts and bolts and into 911, and of course when they realize there is a massive conspiracy, we then show them how far it goes. How it reaches back into our history, to the beginnings of life, how our whole history, our whole schools, our universities, are all maintaining the same major cover-up. When you realize that, you realize the depth of control. For the people who’ve got the money, power and wealth and who’ve always had it.

JS: Okay. This will be the most mundane thing I’m going to ask you, but could you just talk about day-to-day, what it takes, to run this. Or what you, what you do everyday.

DB: Well, it’s quite, um, an invigorating aspect here, because I run another exhibition as well. So, my daily work, and then the work’s here. We open up every morning at ten o’clock. Before we open up we have to water the plants, mop the floors, clean the place from end to end. Brush it all out. Make sure none of the displays have fell on over, or anything’s damaged, make sure there’s not water leaks—which we tend to get happening here in Blackpool. Or, the sand’s not blown in anywhere, ‘cause we have quite a lot of rough weather blowing on. Check around everywhere, make sure its clean and tidy, there’s no problems, make sure the passageways are not blocked, and then we open up, normally at ten o’clock.

And, we’re then open to the public, any visitors that come in. And if we’ve not got any visitors at the time—certainly certain times of the year you don’t get many—the weather, of course, and not many people want to come in the middle of winter. That’s when we settle down. That’s when we do research. That’s when we make DVDs, videos. And build the exhibition and make boards. I like to make teaching boards, where I can stand in front and explain what’s going on. It’s far easier people got a visual picture to understand what’s being explained, rather than just being a few lines in a book. So it does evolve quickly, an understanding. So we are busy all the time. Apart with the involvement in that—the daily takings, turnover, when people come in we give ‘em a quick chat, a talk, sit them down, ask them which section the want to look at: Ancient History, or the Mind, or Ascension, God or whichever level, or 911. The majority of the people at the present time are coming in to see 911, and they’re the ones that we start to educate or show them what’s going on. To give them a different picture.  This is—it’s quite lovely, you know, to see the look on people’s face, when they come down here full of it, and lots of people come down here thinking that they really know what’s going on. ‘Til we start showing them the evidence. They realize that a lot of what we’ve been taught at our schools is totally useless. Is worthless. Down to our science and some of our physics is totally wrong. And our scientists will admit that to you. But they won’t stand up and give you an alternative. Like governments as well. Some of the aspects of government, and how it works today, what we’re told it what we believe. And of course, when we investigate what we’ve been told, we find out it doesn’t match the pictures. Or, what we’ve been told doesn’t match what you can find out yourself. So then you [will] make a decision. You either draw a line in the sand and stand [to] one side, or you allow it to happen. If you allow it to happen and keep it going, then nothing will ever change. If you keep the same aspect as it is, as a lot of people do—we call this the comfort zone.  People don’t want to change things ‘cause they believe they’ve got everything right. You know, the average English person’s got a nice little house, possibly a holiday home, two point whatever children is—2.4 children. They link it all. They’ve got a boat or holiday or a caravan. And these are the people that really don’t want to know. They believe they’ve got everything set up. When we show them that their belief systems of what things are, who they are, what they are, why they’ve come to Earth and where they’re going, it tends to really alter their perceptions. And it takes them totally out of their comfort zone. And, these are the ones that have a surprise. You know, we like to watch these people very carefully, and talk to them, to make sure they don’t go out the door banging their head against the wall. We have had a lot of people come back a few days later, read through—go through again—what they learned or were shown the first time. We’ve had a lot of people get quite upset when you start saying aspects and showing them things. And then of course its only when they start checking themselves that they’ve come back and apologized.


We’ve had quite a lot of people who have savagely, verbally gone for us. And then, afterwards, gone out the door, and we’ve had quite a lot come back later and apologize, and say, well, you know, “now we’ve checked it out, we’ve found out you’re right. But, you know I didn’t want to hear that.”

Didn’t want to know that your government’s don’t govern for the benefit of everybody, they only benefit themselves, or those that are pulling their strings. And you know, when we show the evidence, the proof of this, that what they’re prepared to stoop to, for power, oil and greed is absolutely diabolical. [12:45]

JS: You also give a lot of lectures, and travel –

DB: --I travel quite extensively. I’ve given lectures as far away as Egypt. In Spain, and all over the rest of England. And talks to different groups: New Horizon Groups, to quest groups, to, you know, paranormal groups to alien UFO groups. There’s a lot of people growing now. As I said, there’s an extensive 911 group in Britain that reaches from [indistinguishable] London, basically, now. And these are people who are activists, who’ve seen the DVDs, who want to do something about it. Who are so enraged that our governments should be involved in such as thing as the 911. And the total lie that it was—it was done by terrorists, who were created, of course, by the American regime. And the name Al Quaeda actually means, actually, the corps (core?).  And it was created by America. Or, the American CIA. And then you see the reasons. And it’s when you ask the question “why?” Which nobody ever asks the questions why. Why? Why? You must ask the question on everything you see—“Why?” And then you find a different answer. And you’ll start to dig.  And when you start to dig, the evidence is there.

JS: I’m sure that, um, … a lot of people are quite resistant, and, um, you know, when they hear the word conspiracy—probably

DB: yes yes ah—

JS: How do you respond to that, or how do you…

DB: Well, it’s a good question

JS: How have you had to deal with that?

DB: It’s –oh, it’s all conspiracy theories. So we then say, when there’s no evidence, it’s a conspiracy theory. But when we can sit and show you the evidence, it’s no longer theory, it becomes fact. And when it becomes fact, the more evidence we show, instead of being a conspiracy theory, it becomes a conspiracy. And then you realize that people do conspire. To make sure that the aspects of what you’re told is gold [? Or gone? Or go] So when you look at the reasons and put it together, [cough] excuse me. The big problem we have a lot of, on the planet is, people want to keep everything separate. They want to keep separate 911, form America, from the 77 bombings in England. They want to keep that separate from the, from the bombs in Bali. They want t keep that separate from the bombs in a, in um, in Madrid. And they keep saying it could all be back to the same Al Quaeda. Well, you’re going to find out, quote comfortably, the reasons. Ask why there were bombs in Madrid. Why were there bombs in, in, in Bali. Why there was bombs in London. What was going on at the time, that the media’s focus was needed to be diverted away? Or what, as a lesson, to possibly people or governments, were the bombs. When and where? And what was the result [in them?] And then you find a different picture. Then you start to ask the question why.  And we now know the main reasons why.